“Dialogue about Schubert’s songs” – 4.30pm, 22 April 2018


With Benjamin Appl, Caleb Woo, Suyin Mak, Sylvia Chan round the table, we will be collaborating with Goethe Institut and Premiere Performances to host a “Dialogue about Schubert’s songs”.

With The Classical Singers’ “Hear the music in the song: Mozart, Schubert, Liszt” concert on 22nd April, and Premiere Performances’ Benjamin Appl Recital on 23rd April, Hong Kong’s music lovers are having a springtime engagement with Schubert lieder.  While the themes of the two concerts are quite different – The Classical Singers’ concert is about songs and song-inspired piano music that includes Schubert’s “Wanderer” theme (sung by Woo) and the “Wanderer”-themed piano music he wrote (played by pianist Mary Wu), Appl’s recital has a “Heimat” (“return”) theme (and he sings also Brahms, Reger, Strauss and other German lieder as well as some French and English songs) – in some ways the two concerts are themselves in a side dialogue with each other without even trying and are certainly dialogues with Schubert, the great song writer, his harmonies, his themes, and his own internal dialogues (with Beethoven, for example).

We decided to put together, in collaboration with Goethe Institut and Premiere Performances, a “dialogue” to exchange and explore our perspectives on the shared repertoire and heritage.

Come meet these singers, musicians and experts from different backgrounds and hear them in dialogue about their ideas and experience with Schubert’s songs.  (Note there is no singing; discussion-only.)

We invite all to join in the conversation – there will be the opportunity to ask questions at the end.

Date & time: Sunday 22nd April, 2018, 4.30pm to 5.30pm

Venue: Black Box Studio, Goethe Institut, 14/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wanchai

Expert panellists:

  • Benjamin Appl, London-based German baritone
  • Caleb Woo, Hong Kong-based baritone
  • Professor Su Yin Mak – Associate Professor, Department of Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong


  • Dr Sylva Chan, Founder, The Classical Singers

Online registration is required – please send email to kultur@hongkong.goethe.org or call +852 2802 0088 by or before 19.04.2018 .  Admission policy and venue details are here.


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